


institutions of civil society, public management, management model in the field of higher education, democratization, Ukraine.


The paper examines the main aspects of the democratization of the national education system in Ukraine, determines its impact on the management model of higher education, analyzes the role of civil society as an agent of changes in national education, characterizes the place and role of civil society institutions in the processes of democratization of the higher education system of Ukraine. In the article, the author used interdisciplinary research methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, identification) and scientific research methods in the field of public management and administration (systemic analysis, institutional and functional method). The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the researcher investigated the democratization of the higher education management system in Ukraine in the context of the democratization of public administration in general, taking into account modern management concepts. The author concluded that the democratization of the management module of a higher school must be based on the principles of involving all interested parties in management, rule of law, transparency, striving for consensus of all interested parties, social direction, etc. Increasing the role of civil society institutions in the management system of higher education is one of the key principles of implementing the democratization of higher education. In modern conditions, institutions of civil society not only participate in the development of public policy, but must be involved in its implementation as subjects endowed with certain delegated powers from public authorities. The author noted that the further involvement of civil society institutions in the management model of higher education requires a significant revision of the domestic legal framework, which will prescribe specific directions for the involvement of civil society in the development and implementation of public policy in the field of higher education, prescribed forms of interaction of their institutes with public bodies authorities and the mechanisms of their participation in these processes.


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How to Cite

ЮСЬКОВ, Д. (2023). THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY INSTITUTIONS IN THE DEMOCRATIZATION OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(71), 142-147.