national security, internal challenges, external challenges, political stability, economic development, cybersecurity, international relations, geopolitical changes, democracy, fight against corruption, public managementAbstract
The author researched that Ukraine today faces a number of internal and external challenges that significantly affect its national security and stability. Internal challenges such as political instability, economic hardship and cyber threats are exacerbating the situation. On the other hand, external factors such as geopolitical tensions, international conflicts and economic sanctions threaten regional security. It was found that in order to overcome these challenges, it is important for Ukraine to implement comprehensive strategies. Among the key measures is the strengthening of political stability through the development of democratic institutions and the fight against corruption. In addition, stimulating economic development and supporting small and medium-sized businesses will help overcome economic difficulties. It is emphasized that ensuring social harmony and strengthening cyber security will become an obstacle to internal threats. An active foreign policy and strengthening of international alliances, in particular with the EU and NATO, will help solve external challenges. Therefore, the implementation of these strategies will contribute to overcoming complex challenges, ensure national security and contribute to the sustainable development of Ukraine.
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