


mechanisms of public management, classification features, extraordinary circumstances, levels and subjects of influence, public administration, emergency, security, national security


The purpose of public administration under extraordinary circumstances is to create and ensure the proper conditions for the effective, coordinated functioning of relevant institutions authorized by public power under extraordinary circumstances, as well as civil society institutions to take into account the needs and interests of the entire society; properly guaranteeing the observance of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens under the conditions of events and phenomena that are of the nature of extraordinary circumstances, the use of all necessary tools and means to minimize possible negative consequences, their prompt elimination in the shortest possible time. The specified goal is to be achieved through a comprehensive mechanism of public administration, which can be divided into the following types: legal, organizational, institutional, administrative, informational, economic, political, and others. The specified list is not exhaustive and all of them can be applied sequentially or simultaneously depending on the goals and solving the relevant specific task. An integral complex mechanism of public administration under extraordinary circumstances will always have a distinct set of specific types of mechanisms in its structure. Generalized scientific developments made it possible to propose a classification of public management mechanisms under extraordinary circumstances depending on: the level of influence (state, region, district, locality); the subject of influence (state administration bodies, local self-government bodies, public organizations, international organizations, business structures); the object of influence (events and phenomena of natural, military, social, technogenic origin; population; local self-government bodies; organizations, enterprises, institutions, etc.); the stage of impact (prevention of the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances; localization of extraordinary circumstances; liquidation of the consequences of extraordinary circumstances); the purpose of influence (prevention of emergency situations; response in emergency situations; localization of emergency situations; stabilization of the situation for normal functioning; protection of the population and certain territories in emergency situations; minimization of negative consequences of emergency situations); method of influence (administrative, legal, organizational, economic, social, psychological; political; complex; direct, indirect).


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How to Cite

МОГИЛЬ, В. (2024). TO THE PROBLEM OF ENSURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION UNDER EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (6(72), 50-55.