economic security, armed aggression, economic development, foreign economic activity, sanctions policy, national securityAbstract
The article focuses on a detailed analysis of the theoretical aspects of economic security in the context of external and internal challenges faced by Ukraine. The article examines modern theoretical approaches to assessing economic security, which is relevant in view of the economic difficulties caused by the global financial crisis and military actions on the territory of Ukraine. The article aims to identify and systematize potential threats to the country’s financial stability and develop strategic measures to neutralize them, with a special emphasis on internal immunity and external protection from global competition. The article is based on existing national and international studies, as well as on primary data obtained from various official sources, which allows for reasonable proposals to improve financial security at the macro- and microeconomic levels. The main principles on which the national system of economic security should be based are the rights and freedoms of citizens, the rule of law, and the effective use of international and national resources to protect Ukraine’s economic interests. The article aims to contribute to the understanding of the complex structure of economic security by proposing an integrated approach to risk assessment and management, with a focus on achieving stability and sustainable development. The study of economic security under martial law is of particular importance, as hostilities dramatically change the economic landscape of a country, creating new risks and challenges for national stability. Military conflicts lead to significant damage to infrastructure, destruction of productive assets, loss of markets, and increased government spending on defense, which in turn can cause economic recession or even collapse. An economic security assessment allows the government and the private sector to develop and implement strategies that minimize financial losses and facilitate rapid economic recovery. It also aims to ensure the protection of the socio-economic rights of citizens who are particularly vulnerable in crisis situations and to strengthen the country’s institutional capacity to withstand external and internal threats.
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