forensic examination, health care reform, public administration, efficiency, independence, innovationAbstract
The author researched and analyzed the problems existing in the modern forensic medical examination system in Ukraine. Reviewing the key challenges and obstacles in the work of forensic medical expert institutions, the article aims to identify ways to improve them and develop an effective public management mechanism. The author highlights topical issues such as independence, efficiency and quality of expert services, offering specific recommendations for reforming the forensic medical examination system. In addition, the article presents the developed public management mechanism for optimal coordination and control over the functioning of forensic medical expert services. The general approach and specific proposals allow us to conclude that the reform of the system aims to improve the work of expert institutions and ensure their effective and reliable functionality in the interests of justice and the public. the current state of forensic medical examinations in Ukraine and the problems existing in this area are investigated, the article is aimed at determining the key aspects of reforming the system of forensic medical examinations. The proposed mechanism of public management is considered as an innovative approach aimed at improving the efficiency, independence and objectivity of forensic examinations. In addition, the results of the study may reveal important practical applications for management structures working in the field of justice and health care. Researched, reveals the need for systemic changes in forensic medical examination to ensure its high standard and compliance with modern requirements. One of the key problems that the article draws attention to is the independence of experts. The author defines this as a critical aspect, since independence is an important component of trust in the results of forensic examination. In addition, the proposed recommendations for reforming the system are aimed at strengthening the guarantees of independence of experts and ensuring their objectivity in conducting examinations. The issue of efficiency and quality of expert services is also considered, because this has a direct impact on the fairness and objectivity of justice. The public management mechanism proposed in the article is a key element of system improvement. This mechanism should contribute to optimal coordination and control over the functioning of forensic medical expert services. The need to create an effective mechanism of interaction between various structures and bodies related to forensic medical examination is emphasized. In general, the article makes an important contribution to understanding and solving problems in the field of forensic medical examination in Ukraine. The recommendations and the developed mechanism of public management have the potential to become the basis for the practical implementation of changes aimed at improving the quality and independence of forensic medical expertise in the interests of justice and the public. Systematic approaches to solving existing problems in forensic medical examination are proposed. The author discusses the need to introduce modern technologies and methods into the work of expert institutions in order to increase their effectiveness and diagnostic accuracy. This may include the introduction of the latest medical technologies, the use of software to analyze the results and other innovative methods aimed at improving the examination process. In addition, the article draws attention to the importance of providing reliable training and advanced training of forensic medical experts. Coverage of this aspect may include recommendations on improving the system of education and training of experts, implementation of internships and training programs to ensure their competence and relevance of knowledge in the field of forensic examination. The article emphasizes the importance of public participation and involvement of the public in monitoring the work of forensic medical expert institutions. Public transparency and public involvement can contribute to ensuring a high standard of ethics and accountability in forensic science. So, the article not only analyzes problems in forensic medical examination, but also offers specific and complex approaches to their solution. This can determine the way for further development and improvement of the forensic medical examination system in Ukraine.
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