


political advertising, political consciousness, political stereotypes, mass media, stereotyping


The article examines the use of political stereotypes in political advertising. It is substantiated that in the modern world advertising is an important part of the communication process in all areas of human life. In the political sphere, political advertising plays a decisive role. It serves to represent political forces and parties, ideas and platforms. The use of political advertising expands the political sphere and characterizes the activity of political institutions. Attention is drawn to the fact that political stereotypes are increasingly used in political advertising in recent years, since their use is an effective method of influence that is conveniently integrated into the information network and distorts political reality, affecting the emotional component of the political consciousness of the population. Therefore, the use of political stereotypes in political advertising is an effective means of manipulating the political consciousness of citizens and influencing the political culture of society. It was determined that: political advertising acts as a kind of vector: it collects possible behavioral reactions of the electorate and determines the only correct direction that can determine success in political activity; and a political stereotype is an established and massive phenomenon of political consciousness and behavior that shapes the political space. It is concluded that the political stereotype becomes a powerful tool of manipulation in the process of political communication. The communicative environment allows a person to get used to the existence of an abstract «other», against the background of which a meaningful model is built – the future environment for the formation of political stereotypes as the easiest way to influence the political consciousness of a citizen.


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How to Cite

ШЛЕМКЕВИЧ, Т., ЛАХАЧ, Т., & ШОТУРМА, Н. (2024). USE OF POLITICAL STEREOTYPES IN POLITICAL ADVERTISING. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(73), 95-99.