Political-power elites in modernization processes of modern Ukraine.


  • O.M Naumenko.


The article considers the role and significance of the Ukrainian political-power elites in the modernization processes. In particular, a prominent place in the social process is given for the power elites as for the subject of modernization. It has been established that modernizing political elite should be formed and updated on the democratic model of modernization. One of the ways to form and replenish the political-power elites should be a civil society as a speaker of people’s interests. It is necessary to increase the role and effectiveness of the basic structures of civil society as opposed to the business environment. Analyzing the number of MPs who had business at the time of election, represented by the heads and employees of private enterprises, limited liability companies, joint stock companies that were absent in II, III, VI convocations, in the V convocation they amounted to 77 (17,15 %), VI — 39 (8,67%), VIII — 109 (24,49%), VIII — 84 (19,95%). In the Verkhovna Rada of the IXth convocation, the number of people who became MPs for the first time from
the business environment was much smaller. In particular, the Verkhovna Rada ofthe 9th convocation has been “renewed” or replenished with new faces by 79 %. The onstant change of key officials in power is not able to ensure an effective political process, which must be provided with facts of an institutional nature. The nepotism of the Ukrainian power elites does not contribute to the transformational changes in the environment of the political elites today. The Ukrainian state needs to be replenished by a competent elite, namely, the political reform is intended to become the basic mechanism of political modernization. As well as, the main features and disadvantages of the condition of the society, which is being transformed through the prism of anti-corruption and political reforms, are being explored. However the political elite is changing its quality at a modest pace and we can see the results of
its profound and profound transformation in democratization.


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How to Cite

Науменко, О. М. . (2024). Political-power elites in modernization processes of modern Ukraine. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(58), 33-40. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/political/article/view/3242