Political and organizational foundations of the integration of public administration in European countries at the present stage of functioning of states and their formation in Ukraine.
The thesis that the radical change of the entire system of public administration in modern Ukraine is determined both by a number of specific internal factors and objective Euro integration processes, and by Ukraine’s integration into the EU is emphasized and substantiated. The emphasis is on the fact that European countries are radically transforming, the system of relations between the state and civil society is changing, and the so-called European administrative space is being formed. Separately, specific peculiarities about European state governance in Ukraine are singled out, which are conditioned by geopolitical factors, 92 historical traditions of state administration, and practically the organization of economic and social conditions of human life (citizen). It is emphasized that issues of public administration such as democratization, decentralization, and orientation on the maximum protection of human rights (citizen) remain problematic for Ukraine today. Conclusions Integration processes in the systems of state administration in the countries of modern Europe are objective, purposeful and complicated process, caused by many factors of globalization, socio-economic-integration, organizational,
managerial and other processes. Integration of the state administration of Ukraine into the EU system takes place in accordance with the needs of the geopolitical nature and the tasks of national development of statehood on the basis of the relevant principles and principles which, on the one hand, contribute to the development of European values and norms of life, and, on the other hand, retain their own national state the identity of Ukraine.
Ukraine has yet to solve a number of complex political, legal, managerial and other problems in order to develop a fundamentally new, democratic, decentralized, and humanistic (public benefit) system of government, in order to maximize its effectiveness and effectiveness.
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