Diplomacy as a phenomenal matrix of nobility of negotiations: threats and protection.


  • P. M. Lisovsky


The dissertation in an interdisciplinary focus defines diplomacy as a spiritual partnership in the modern world, which led to an acute need for a new philosophy among other sciences. At the same time, the noble constitution of the personality is a manifestation of the phenomenal receptions of wisdom. The boundaries of the theory of communication are outlined, inwhich one of the noble concepts of diplomacy is the formu23 las of contingency that guarantee the support of unity, the differences and restrictions in the space of their penetration formed from binary codes of difference. Disclosure of diplomacy as a counteraction to modern hybrid wars, highlighted in national and world practice, the sociogenic influence of local conflicts on the structure of consciousness. It has been historically proven that it is the phenomenology of religion in diplomacy, as a qualitative rethinking of the phenomena of
religion, theology and religious studies, that causes considerable debate in the field of scientific research. In particular, the “Afghan arena” is a comparative study of religion and “secular ideologies” demonstrating the dialectical connection of diplomats and military men in the coordinates of man-centrism and human-cosmism. The further diplomatic statement of global nootechnologies is predicted as a noble trend of wisdom in a harmonious union with a substantively living Nature, which constitutes a comprehensive environment of wisdom.


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How to Cite

Лісовський, . П. М. (2024). Diplomacy as a phenomenal matrix of nobility of negotiations: threats and protection. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(54), 15-23. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/political/article/view/3384