


The standard approach is to look at diplomacy as a tool of international regulation and prevention of exacerbations of international relations. Now is popular the discourse on the new phase of diplomacy in the form of “humanitarian intervention” and “information operations”. There are factors advance the practice of international life over theory IR. Often are used diplomatic stratagems to promote certain ideas and information operations for study the response of the international community in determining the expected solutions.


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How to Cite

ДІКАРЄВ, О. І. . (2024). СТРАТЕГЕМНІСТЬ У ПОЛІТИЦІ: WikiLeaks в КОНТЕКСТІ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИХ ОСОБЛИВОСТЕЙ ДИПЛОМАТІЇ. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(35), 27-33. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/political/article/view/3595

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