hybrid war, Russian-Ukrainian war, information war, propaganda, hybrid threatsAbstract
The aim of this work is to analyze hybrid warfare as a new form of modern conflict. The main goal is to study and describe the features, methods and means of hybrid warfare, its impact on the national security of states and the strategic interest of the international community. The work aims to understand how hybrid warfare is changing traditional approaches to security and what strategies can be effective to counter these threats. It is also important to take into account the role of hybrid threats in the context of their impact on the internal and external political processes of countries, in particular, the manipulation of public opinion, economic pressure and changes in the information space. Consequently, the study also aims to develop recommendations to improve strategies for responding to hybrid threats, taking into account their complex nature and potential impact on international politics and security. The methodology for studying hybrid warfare as a new form of modern conflict is based on a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of this phenomenon. The approach consists in a deep study of literary sources, analysis of scientific works, articles, reports and case studies related to hybrid warfare. The method of comparative analysis is used to compare existing approaches to the definition, classification and analysis of this phenomenon in different geopolitical contexts. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of case stages, which include specific examples of the use of hybrid methods in various modern conflicts. The scientific novelty of the study is the systematization and in-depth analysis of existing data on hybrid warfare. The work is aimed at identifying key aspects of this phenomenon, analyzing modern strategies and approaches to combating hybrid threats, as well as assessing the impact of hybrid warfare on international security and stability. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of strategies and methods used in hybrid wars, as well as their impact on the stability of states and international security. The study considers not only the technical aspects of hybrid threats, but also their social, political and psychological dimensions, which opens up new opportunities for the development of strategies for protection and counteraction. The conclusion of the work of hybrid warfare differs from traditional conflicts in its complexity and versatility. It includes a wide range of methods of influence, covering military, political, economic and information aspects. Hybrid warfare has become a key tool of global politics, requiring new strategies and approaches to national and international security. The study shows that in the context of modern international relations, hybrid threats become an integral part of public administration and security strategies, requiring constant analysis and improvement of countermeasures.
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