public administration, emergency conditions, development, European integration vector, national security, public securityAbstract
Today in Ukraine, the process of forming a new system of managing the strategic development of the state, regions, and communities, taking into account important needs in the conditions of extraordinary circumstances, which concerns, first of all, martial law, is gaining relevance. The main mechanisms for the development of public administration aimed at increasing its efficiency through the implementation of a new model of strategizing, effective tools of strategic planning are financial, social, and market. In addition to strategic planning, important importance for the development of public administration under extraordinary circumstances is planning in the event of the realization of relevant threats, crisis or extraordinary circumstances. Attention should also be paid to the issues of forming joint coordinated actions to respond to circumstances of an extraordinary nature. Accordingly, different extraordinary circumstances can have similar consequences. Public management under extraordinary circumstances has its own special characteristics and corresponding development mechanisms, which require separate scientific studies in order to develop effective proposals for priority areas of increasing the effectiveness of the country’s management during the period of military resistance to aggression. Along with this, it is considered expedient to solve the specified task, equally to give a correct assessment of the institutional transformations that are currently in Ukraine, to carry out a characterization of those changes that occupy the first place and which urgently require the adoption of management decisions and tools for the development of strategic plans both at the state, and at the local level. A necessary and important step for Ukraine today is the implementation of the Agreement on the Association of the European Union, which predicts the implementation of a number of relevant steps, which undoubtedly relate to extraordinary circumstances in such sectors as greening (environmental protection), health care, security, public administration and others., that is, the development of public administration under extraordinary circumstances needs to be improved through globalization systems of sectoral directions.
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