


state support, state regulation of agribusiness development, state conditions


The purpose of the work. Clarify the essential content of state regulation of agribusiness development. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the study of literary sources on the problems of state regulation of agribusiness development, the generalization of theoretical provisions. In the research process, general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical knowledge were used: analysis and synthesis, monographic, deduction and induction. In addition, the experimental method, practical modeling, which includes conducting a theoretical experiment, analysis and generalization of the obtained data, was used. Scientific novelty. The author's interpretation of «state regulation of agribusiness development» is presented – a special form of state activity in agriculture, based on state incentives for the purpose of obtaining income and legally registered as farms, individual entrepreneurs, personal peasant farms. The difference in agribusiness in terms of management and marketability is noted. For personal peasant farms, the key goal is the production of agricultural products for own consumption. For farming, the priority goal is the production of products followed by their sale, i.e. commodity production. Conclusions. The concepts of «entrepreneurship» and «business» cannot be considered synonymous when considering the economic sphere of their action. The concept of «business» is much broader, defined as a system of production to meet the needs and desires of society. Business covers relations between all participants of the market economy and includes the actions of entrepreneurs, employees, and employees of state structures. In a generalized form, this is the business activity of a person in the system of market relations. In addition, a businessman is the main subject, endowed with entrepreneurial abilities, whose behavior is characterized by creative, searching and innovative nature. A businessman is at the center of economic relations, he is the engine of the process that he organizes the realization of opportunities for entrepreneurial activity, taking into account both personal and public interests. In order for agribusiness to fully perform its economic and social functions, the conditions created by the state are necessary to ensure the viability of this economic entity.


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How to Cite

ДМИТРЕНКО, Р. (2024). ESSENTIAL CONTENT OF STATE REGULATION OF AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(75), 23-28.