identity politics, subjects of identity politics, veteran organizations, value orientations, national identity, macro-political identityAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of identity politics in the conditions of the modern development of Ukrainian society. Special attention is paid to the formation of a new identity of veteran organizations, which arose as a response to modern security challenges, particularly in the context of war and the protection of Ukraine's national interests. Specific features of this identity are highlighted, which reflect the unique role of veterans in ensuring the state's defense capability. The study also includes the conceptualization of this identity as an important element of the political self-identification of a significant part of Ukrainian society, which was formed under the influence of war and social transformations and gradually turned into a stable basic identity policy, which is characterized by high autonomy and established principles. The purpose of the study is to analyze the process of forming the identity policy of veteran organizations and assess their impact on security processes in Ukraine. The research is focused on studying the transformations of political identity that take place under the influence of war, as well as on the features of self-identification of veteran organizations, which, being new subjects of the political system, play an important role in protecting national interests and strengthening state security. The article aims to determine the key aspects of identity politics in modern Ukraine, in particular to investigate their impact on various social groups that, in the conditions of war, form their own self-identification policies. Special attention is paid to the analysis of veteran identity as a response to new challenges in the field of national security, taking into account the importance of collective identity for uniting veterans around common values and goals. An important aspect is the study of the processes of self-identification of veteran organizations, which are formed on the basis of personal and collective experience of participation in the defense of the country. Veteran organizations are considered as a collective phenomenon that has an impact on the formation of new socio-political realities in the conditions of war. In addition, the study covers the analysis of the role of veteran organizations in the process of public recognition, their contribution to the formation of national security, and especially their key role in the reconstruction of the state after the war. The methodological basis of the research includes the application of general scientific and special methods, including a systematic approach, structural-functional analysis, and a comparative-historical method. The systematic approach allows studying the political identity of veteran organizations as a complex phenomenon that is formed under the influence of numerous factors and the interaction of various social institutions. Comparative analysis provides an opportunity to compare the processes of identity formation in different contexts and historical periods, as well as to assess differences in the development of veteran organizations as subjects of identity politics. The historical approach allows us to consider the origins and transformations of veteran identity in the context of global security challenges and taking into account the dynamics of socio-political changes. The process of formation of veteran organizations as independent subjects of identity politics, which have an impact on security and social processes in Ukraine, is studied. It has been proven that the new veteran identity is an important factor in strengthening the political stability and national security of Ukraine. The findings of the study indicate that the formation of the identity policy of veteran organizations is an important process of self-identification and collective organization of Ukrainian society in the conditions of war. Veteran organizations have a significant impact on national security and post-war recovery, which is indicative of their institutional maturity and public recognition. Special attention is paid to the creation of favorable organizational and legal conditions for the realization of the rights of veterans and their families as the main bearers of this new political identity.
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