


anti-corruption policy, economic development, investment climate, transparency, trust, risk reduction, competition, public administration, state, mechanisms of public administration, integrity


The author considered the impact of anti-corruption policy in the modern world, which is becoming an important and necessary element for ensuring sustainable economic development and improving the investment climate in the country. The author studies the impact of anti-corruption measures on economic development and the investment climate, considering the key aspects of this relationship and proposing ways to overcome corruption challenges. The impact of anti-corruption policy on transparency and trust in society is highlighted. An effective anti-corruption policy contributes to the creation of a more transparent and trusted government and business environment. This contributes to increasing the confidence of both local and foreign investors in the country's economy, which can stimulate the growth of investment volumes and business development. It has been studied that the reduction of risks for business and investors occurs due to the implementation of anticorruption measures. Poor levels of corruption can be an obstacle to investment and business development, as it leads to non-transparent conditions for concluding deals, high bribe payments and dangerous insecurity of property rights. Anti-corruption measures are aimed at reducing these risks, which can stimulate an increase in investments in the country. Stimulation of competition is determined. Corruption can stifle competition because some businesses benefit from corrupt connections. The anti-corruption policy is aimed at creating equal conditions for all market participants, which stimulates competition and promotes more efficient use of resources. In addition, an increase in the efficiency of public spending will be achieved. Corruption can lead to inefficient use of public resources and a decrease in the quality of public services. Anti-corruption measures are aimed at reducing this phenomenon, which can lead to more efficient use of budget funds and improvement of the standard of living of citizens. An increase in attractiveness for foreign investors has been determined. Countries with low levels of corruption are usually more attractive to foreign investors because they offer lower risks and more transparent business conditions. This can lead to an increase in foreign investment, which contributes to economic growth and the creation of new jobs. The importance of anti-corruption policy for ensuring sustainable economic development and an attractive investment climate is emphasized. The article proposes a comprehensive approach to the fight against corruption, which has the potential to increase the efficiency of the country's management and improve its economic condition.


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How to Cite

КОСТЮКОВ, В., & МОШНІН, А. (2024). INFLUENCE OF ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT CLIMATE OF THE COUNTRY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(75), 41-45.