


parliament, challenges, parliamentarism, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, state administration, democracy, legislative function


Parliamentarianism is an important element of public administration and democracy in the modern world. It not only provides the opportunity for citizens to be represented in the government, but also performs the function of control over the executive power, ensures the distribution of powers between different branches of government and promotes the protection of people's rights and freedoms. In the conditions of global challenges, wars, growing threats to democratic systems and constant transformation of the political landscape, parliamentarism faces many problems that require reforms and new approaches. One of the biggest challenges for modern parliamentarism is the decline of citizens' trust in representative institutions. This phenomenon is observed in many countries and leads to a crisis of legitimacy, when the parliament ceases to be an effective tool for reflecting the interests of citizens. At the same time, increasing political polarization and increasing influence of populism threaten the ability of parliaments to make balanced and long-term decisions. Another important challenge is the transformation of parliaments into an appendage of the executive power. In many democracies, there is a trend towards increasing influence of governments on legislative processes, which limits the independence of parliament and its role in policy-making. This leads to a violation of the balance between the branches of government and creates risks for the functioning of the democratic system. Despite this, parliamentarism remains a powerful tool for ensuring the stability and development of the state. One of the promising strategies is strengthening the institutional capacity of parliaments through the implementation of transparency mechanisms, increasing the accountability of deputies to voters, and developing inter-party dialogue. Such measures can help increase the effectiveness of legislative bodies and restore citizens' trust in political processes. In addition, in order to adapt parliamentarism to modern conditions, it is necessary to review the interaction between national parliaments and international organizations, since the growing integration and interdependence of countries require a new approach to solving global challenges. The cooperation of parliaments with international institutions can be a guarantee of successful adaptation to new conditions. So, despite numerous challenges, parliamentarism has a significant potential for development. Its prospects will depend on the ability of states to undertake institutional reforms and adapt to changes in world politics.


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How to Cite

КРЕЙДЕНКО, В. (2024). CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS OF PARLIAMENTARISM IN MODERN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(75), 46-50.