Intermarium, regional security, Eastern Partnership, energy independence, Central and Eastern Europe, international cooperation, RussiaAbstract
This paper aims to explore the concept of the «Intermarium» as a potential mechanism for strengthening the security of Central and Eastern European countries in the face of modern geopolitical challenges, particularly Russian aggression. Special attention is paid to the role of this concept in ensuring regional security and energy independence for the participating countries. Methodology. The research employs a combination of methods, including historical and comparative analysis. A systematic approach was taken to examine the historical evolution of the «Intermarium» concept from its initial formulation to its relevance in the current geopolitical context. The study also provides an analysis of contemporary security and economic threats to the countries in the region, as well as an assessment of the geopolitical challenges and cooperation opportunities among the participating states. Scientific novelty. This study enhances the understanding of the modern role of the «Intermarium» concept within the geopolitical landscape of Central and Eastern Europe. Based on the analysis of current challenges and security dynamics in the region, new avenues for cooperation between the participating countries are identified. The paper argues that the «Intermarium» can be used not only as a defense alliance but also as a platform for economic integration, energy diversification, and political cooperation. Conclusions. The «Intermarium» concept holds significant potential for enhancing the security of Central and Eastern European countries. The creation of a regional alliance could help these nations achieve greater independence in making decisions related to national security and energy policy. However, the realization of this concept depends on overcoming political differences between the member states and securing economic support from international organizations such as the EU and NATO. The research highlights the need for closer coordination on defense issues, the development of joint infrastructure projects, and deeper diplomatic integration to ensure the region's resilience to external threats.
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