political correctness, behavior model, equality, discrimination, gender-neutral languageAbstract
The article is devoted to determining the analysis of the level of political correctness of public servants under modern conditions and formulating ways to increase it. At the beginning of the article, the relevance of the study of the idea of political correctness, especially in the public service, is substantiated. The content of the studied concept is revealed on the basis of two approaches – linguistic-communicative and behavioral. The main part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the level of political correctness of public servants under modern conditions by conducting an anonymous survey of employees of state authorities and local self-government bodies of the Mykolaiv region. The respondents are people of different sex and age groups who have different years of public service and occupy unequal positions. The questions of the questionnaire related to cases of politically incorrect behavior in the public service, types of politically incorrect behavior faced by public servants during the performance of their professional duties, the possibility of expressing one’s opinion in the public service, determining the degree of satisfaction of employees with the level of political correctness in the public service according to the relevant scale, as well as the frequency of conducting advisory and explanatory activities on issues of politically correct behavior in the public service. The obtained data were analyzed in the form of statistical generalizations. Thus, during the conduct of an anonymous survey, it was found out that various types of non-politically correct behavior are relatively frequent cases in the public service. It is difficult for most public servants to say what exactly these were manifestations of politically incorrect behavior. At the end of the article, it is concluded that today the public service in Ukraine is dominated by a low level of political correctness. Politically incorrect behavior is inherent not only to the rank-and-file public servants and management. This is caused, first of all, by the negative attitude of citizens towards representatives of the authorities, irresponsible and/or too authoritarian leadership, and the incompetence of the employees themselves.
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