digitization, public services, fight against corruption, Ukraine, transparency, efficiency, blockchain technologies, civil society, public administration, state, mechanisms of public administration, integrityAbstract
The author researched and analyzed that the digitalization of public services in Ukraine plays an important role in combating corruption. The introduction of electronic systems and information technologies has been identified, which helps to reduce the possibilities of corruption, ensures greater transparency and openness of state resource management, and increases the accountability of officials to citizens. Various aspects of digitization, from reducing human intervention to the use of blockchain technologies, are explored, and recommendations are provided for the successful implementation of digitization in Ukraine. The author considers the importance of electronic services in reducing corruption in Ukraine. The author argues that electronic services allow citizens to access public services online, avoiding direct contact with officials, which helps reduce the possibility of corrupt deals. In addition, the author considers how digital tools create effective mechanisms for monitoring and controlling the use of budget funds, which helps to detect illegal expenses in a timely manner. This approach contributes to increasing the efficiency of management and reducing corruption risks in the field of public services. In addition, this article discusses the application of blockchain technologies in the context of the fight against corruption in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the blockchain ensures the reliability and integrity of data, making it difficult to falsify it and creating an effective transaction tracking mechanism. It was noted that digitalization of public services is an important tool for creating a transparent and effective management system that helps fight corruption and increase citizens’ trust in government structures. This article is important for understanding how modern technology can affect the reduction of corruption and the improvement of governance in the state.
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