public-private partnership, infrastructure reconstruction, innovative models, private investments, coordination of efforts, sustainable development, war in UkraineAbstract
The proposed article examines the role and significance of public-private partnership in the process of reconstruction of destroyed territories in Ukraine, which suffered as a result of military conflicts. The author states that the war that began in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and the full-scale invasion of Russia on February 24, 2022 caused significant destruction of infrastructure and housing stock, creating critical socio-economic challenges for Ukrainian society. In such conditions, PPP becomes a key tool for ensuring effective and rapid recovery of devastated regions. The author of the article emphasizes that public-private partnership allows to attract additional financial resources and technological expertise of the private sector, which is critically important in the conditions of limited state budgets. The PPP helps to improve the coordination of efforts between government agencies, local communities and private companies, which ensures a more coordinated and prompt implementation of rehabilitation projects. This is especially important for the rehabilitation of critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, energy systems, residential buildings, schools and hospitals. The article also discusses the key PPP models that can be used in the reconstruction of the destroyed territories of Ukraine. Among them, the «Build-Operate-Transfer», «Public-Private Innovation Hubs» and «Revenue-Share Partnerships» models stand out. The author of the article emphasizes the importance of an innovative approach to reconstruction, which includes not only the restoration of destroyed objects, but also their modernization in accordance with modern standards and the needs of sustainable development. Public-private partnership plays a key role in the implementation of the latest technologies, which increases the efficiency and quality of restoration works. In general, the article demonstrates that public-private partnership is a powerful tool for overcoming the challenges of rebuilding destroyed territories in Ukraine. Cooperation between the state and the private sector allows not only to secure financing and project management, but also to promote innovation and sustainable economic growth.
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