Requirements for execution
An article should be relevant, justify a purpose and have statistically valid results of the author’s (authors) original research which hasn’t been published and considered by the editorial boards of other journals.
General requirements:
1) you should indicate the following in the left upper corner:
- UDC;
- surname and name (in full), scientific degree, academic ranks, a full name of post and institution where the author (co-authors) works or studies, e-mail of the author (all co-authors), ORCID (
2) one line below, the article’s title is centered (semi-bold, in capitals) – in two languages (in Ukrainian and English)*
3) an expanded structured abstract of the scientific article consists minimum of 1800 characters and includes mandatory structural elements of the article (problem statement, analysis of the recent research and publications, statement of the article’s purpose, presentation of the basic material, conclusions) – in two languages (in Ukrainian and English)*
* if the article is not Ukrainian or English, you should provide one in the article’s language.
4) article text should be structured and include such mandatory elements (they are put in semi-bold):
- problem statement in general and its connection with the important scientific or practical tasks;
- the analysis of recent research and publications, which have initiated the solution of the relevant problems and the author relies on, the specification of previously unresolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to;
- the formulation of a goal (task statement);
- the presentation of the main material (including the description of materials and research methods, research design, ethical problems and research limits, and mandatory substantiation, statistical processing and discussion of the research findings;
- conclusions and prospects for further research;
- Bibliography: minimum 10 items in a source language (references to literature sources are given in alphabetical order; the bibliographic list involves only sources which are mentioned in the article and is executed taking into account the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”).
Technical requirements:
- the article text should be keyboarded (editor WORD for WINDOWS) using Times New Roman, 14, line spacing – 1.5, edges: l2 cm on all sides; paragraph indent – 1.25;
- the volume of the article should be at least 10 pages (article optimal size – 20–24 thousand characters);
- it is not allowed to use the scanned or photographed diagrams, drawings, tables, etc.;
- in formulas only generally accepted characters are used;
- all table, pictures and graphics should be numbered, each should have a name;
- in constructing graphs keep in mind that the magazine is in black and white.
УДК 351:851
доктор наук з державного управління, професор, директор Навчально-наукового інституту управління, економіки та бізнесу, ПрАТ «ВНЗ «Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом», e-mail
ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426
Державна політика у сфері торгівлі озброєнням
У запропонованій статті виявлено, що останнім часом відзначилось посилення попиту на озброєння та військову техніку (ОВТ). через посилення напруженості у міжнародних відносинах та зосередження значною кількістю держав зусиль на здобуванні значно більшої ролі у світоустрої…
Ключові слова: ринок, озброєння, міжнародний договір, експортний контроль, правові засади.
Inna Semenets-Orlova. State policy on arms trade
The proposed article reveals that recently there has been an increase in demand for weapons and military equipment (weapons). due to increasing tensions in international relations and the concentration of a significant number of states on efforts to gain a much greater role in the world order…
Key words: market, armaments, international agreement, export control, legal bases.
The main text of the article.
1. Константинов Ю.В., Резніченко В.І. Вассенаарська домовленість про контроль за експортом звичайних озброєнь та товарів і технологій подвійного використання. Українська дипломатична енциклопедія / за ред. Л.В. Губерського. Київ : Знання України, 2004. Т. 1. 150 с.