
  • A. V. Antonova The Private Joint-Stock Company Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


school, bullying, psychodiagnostics


Formulation of the problem. According to UNICEF Ukraine in 2017, 67% of children were exposed to bullying (being a victim or a witness), and 40% of those affected by bullying did not share a problem with anyone at all and did not seek help. According to the report of the World Health Organization in 2016, Ukraine ranks ninth among the 42 surveyed countries by the percentage of 15-year-old bullying victims. Therefore, studying the problem of schoolbullyling in order to develop effective ways to prevent it is an important issue in psychology. Analysis of recent research and publications. Scandinavian researchers, in particular, D. Olveus. P.P. Heinemann, A. Picasso, E. Roland, the concept of boiling was developed and this concept is defined as oppression, discrimination, harassment. Booting is a special form of destructive interaction, which includes a lot of specific types and subtypes of aggressive behavior. In our opinion, the most structured and fully represented forms of a boom in the article by E. N. Ozhiev "Buling as a kind of violence. School bullyling ". Formulating the purpose of the article. The aim is to determine the psychological aspects of the problem of schoolbullyling and to identify its risk. Presenting main material. Negative manifestations, taking place in both classes, in the 7-B for a number of indicators exceed those in the 7-B class almost twice, indicating an increased risk of bolting in this class. Particularly significant in relation to the risk of bullyling are the humiliation, humiliation of one another, ridicule, the brutal style of conversation with obscene statements, propensity to fight and its approval. It is for these parameters that the 7-B class appeared to be more risky than the 7-B. Among the methods of bullying, the first place is ridiculed and ignored. Also, most students indicated that they did not experience mental or physical violence, but noted one or more of the methods of bullying that other students used to them. This may be due to the fact that these were isolated unsystematic cases that are not typical for actual bullying. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The leading problem of diagnostics and prophylaxis of a boling is that in the Ukrainian culture this phenomenon is a common experience and little awareness, due to which its manifestations are often interrupted, and the consequences and effects remain beyond the focus of attention of experts and participants in the persecution. An experimental study on the diagnosis of the risk of bullying in the school team showed the presence of children - potential harassers in each class, which confirms the relevance of this topic. The psychodiagnostic techniques used in our research can be used to solve such applied tasks, such as the identification of teams with increased risk of bullying situations and the creation of a safe atmosphere in the training groups, as well as educational and advisory work with teachers and school administration.


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How to Cite

Антонова, А. В. (2021). PSYCHODIAGNOSIS OF THE RISK OF BULLYING AT SCHOOL. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (2(3), 3-35. Retrieved from


