health care facilities, dentistry, management, public-private partnershipAbstract
Abstract. Formulation of the problem. Public-private partnership (PPP) should be the direction of the formation of a new system of management, education of human resources and managers in the field of health care, including dentistry. Literature review. Foreign and domestic experience shows that the introduction of PPP mechanisms in health care, in particular in dentistry, helps to improve the quality, level of service and accessibility of medical (including dental) services to the public. Formulation the purpose of the study. The goal is to study and summarize the experience of training human resources for medical dental institutions, created on the principles of public-private partnership. Materials and methods of research. The generalization of the experience of training human resources for medical dental institutions is based on a systematic approach and systematic analysis using expert and comparative analysis. The information base was a scientific work of specialists in the organization and management of health care. Results of the research. The formation of an effective mechanism of personnel management in medical dental institutions on the principles of PPP is an important condition for creating a sustainable management system and ensuring high rates of economic growth of the institution. Work with human resources in the dental institution on the principles of PPP should be aimed at bringing the capabilities of health professionals in line with the objectives of its activities, creating an effective training system. Discussion. For personnel management it is necessary to operate a system of postgraduate training and retraining, as well as continuous staff development, taking into account the conditions of information and communication progress. Conclusions and prospects for further research. In the current economic conditions of Ukraine, public medical (including dental) institutions need to move from the implementation of «survival strategy» to «sustainable development strategy», to the formation of a new management system based on the principles of PPP. Prospects for further research are to use the proposed approaches to human resource management in the development of functional and organizational model of the dental center on the principles of public-private partnership (PPP).
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