medical psychology, psychodiagnostics, children, congenital malformations, parents' attitude to childrenAbstract
Abstract. Formulation of the problem. The parents of a sick child from birth find themselves in a long traumatic situation, which is characterized by the difficulty of overcoming intrapersonal role conflict. Formulation of the purpose of research. The aim is to investigate how role conflict, which arises as a result of the birth of a child with disabilities, affects the formation of post-stress disorders in parents. Analysis of recent research and publications. The development of the psyche, mental activity, social needs occurs only in the performance of certain social role functions, and the socialization of man is the formation of his social roles. There are four phases of the psychological state of parents in the process of forming their position towards the child with special needs: shock; inadequate attitude to the defect; partial awareness of the child's defect, which is accompanied by a feeling of “chronic sadness”; acceptance of the defect. Materials and methods of research. The methodological basis of the study were: role theories of personality; role conflict theories; theories of the functioning of the individual in traumatic situations. To solve the tasks of psychodiagnostic research methods were used: Questionnaire Plutchik-Kellerman-Conte; Questionnaire of parental attitude A. Ya. Varga, V. V. Stolin; “Scale of post-stress disorders – Mississippi scale (civil version)”; K. Izard’s scale of differentiated emotions (SDE) in modification by A.B. Leonova; Spielberg-Hanin Anxiety Test (State-Trate Anxiety Inventory, STAI); Methods of psychological diagnosis of coping mechanisms E. Heim (E. Heim), adapted in the laboratory of clinical psychology of the Psychoneurological Institute. V.M. Bekhterev, under the leadership of Dr. M.Sc. Professor L.I. Wasserman. Presenting main material. The leading mechanisms of psychological protection in the group are denial and pronounced projection. About 63.0% of the surveyed parents try not to establish a psychological distance between themselves and the child, to be closer to it and meet its basic reasonable needs, to protect from trouble, and 37.0% of parents – on the contrary, establish a significant psychological distance between themselves and the child. Little care for her. According to statistical calculations aimed at establishing a relationship between the results of the study by several methods, it was proved that there is a relationship between the identified indicators. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The hypothesis that the role conflict that arises at the birth of a child with developmental disabilities leads to the formation of post-stress disorders in parents has been confirmed. It is necessary to develop a program of medical and psychological assistance to parents with children with developmental disabilities, and aim to form a positive attitude of parents to the child and more mature and constructive protection mechanisms - compensation and rationalization.
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