psychological adaptation, maladaptation, servicemen, Armed Forces, UBD, stress, stress resistance, adaptation syndrome, lonelinessAbstract
Abstract. Formulation of the problem. The article is devoted to the manifestations of maladaptation and adaptation of former servicemen to civilian life, the probable prospects that a person will face in the process of socialization to a new, civilian life. Formulation of the purpose of the study. To indicate modern views on the role and place of military psychologists in law enforcement agencies, to reveal the causes of difficulties and prospects for finding ways to improve the psychological support of reserve servicemen. Presenting main material. The issue of proper psychological rehabilitation of servicemen is the basis for a successful solution to the problem of maladaptation of the former military to civilian life in the future. We are not able to change the past, we are able to level only its consequences in real time, but to change our attitude to reality, than to correct possible mistakes in the future, we are quite capable. Conclusions and prospects for further research. It is the military psychologist who must make a kind of vaccination to the military, which will prevent the existence of social maladaptation, as a matter of fact, outside the security forces. The military psychological service needs to change, and it is these current perspectives that will be at the heart of our research.
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