adolescents, psychoneurological diseases, behavior, psychocorrection, methods of dramatic psychoelectionAbstract
Formulation of the problem. In Ukraine there is a tendency to increase the number of children with functional limitations. At the same time children with disabling psychoneurological diseases need special care. Analysis of recent research and publications. Anatomical and physiological rearrangement of an organism is one of the most important factors that determines the process of personality formation in adolescent and adolescence. Children with intellectual disabilities may have some limitations in communicative and social skills. An important role in the life of adolescents with special needs is played by socialization, that is, the admission of adolescents into society. Formulating the purpose of the article. The purpose is to develop a program of psycho-correction behavior of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, based on the methodology of dramatic psychosis and evaluate its effectiveness. Presenting main material. Our research was conducted on the basis of a special general school "Nadiya" in Kyiv, an experimental group of 41 students of this school, aged 12-15 years, with combined somatic and psychoneurological disorders, requiring correction of physical and (or) mental development, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation. For the purpose of psychocorrection, we used the method of dramatic psychoelection of I. Ya. Medvedeva and T. L. Shishova, which was adapted for adolescents with developmental disorders. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. After conducting correctional exercises using the method of dramatic psychosis, the behavioral diagram showed changes in all indicators: normal adaptation increased by 9.76% after correctional exercises. Teens are much less shy, confused, worried, more often choose sociability instead of loneliness.
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