
  • О. M. Oleksenko The Private Joint-Stock Company Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


existential psychology, existential therapy, existentialism


Formulation of the problem. In conditions of socio-political instability and European direction of development of Ukraine, it is very important to introduce new methods of psychotherapeutic practice to overcome personal crises and other frustration conditions. Existential psychology is one of the areas of humanistic psychology, and is not best suited for solving this problem. Analysis of recent research and publications. The basic scientific researches on the specified subjects are presented in the writings of S. Stepanov, R. Freider, V. Letunovsky, V. Tikhonravova, M. Kuchinsky, M. Yaloma and others. The authors identify the main directions of the development of existential psychology. Wording of purpose. The purpose - to theoretically analyze the most influential directions of existential psychology. Presentation of the main material: Features of the most influential currents and directions of existential psychology are highlighted. Theoretically analyzed psychotherapeutic methods within these directions. The practical value of using existential psychotherapy methods with patients (clients) with frustration mental states, loss of meaning of life, etc. is determined and generalized. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The theoretical analysis of the most influential directions and currents of existential psychology deepens the understanding by the psychologist of the client's personality (patient) and also broadens the views on some very important problems (eg, problems of meaning of life, existence, anxiety, depression, etc.). The use of existential psychotherapy methods can reduce the level of frustration, avoid various negative states, and also reveal the personal potential of the client (the patient). In the future, methods of psychotherapeutic practice will be developed, which will combine existential psychology and cognitive psychotherapy and study their effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Олексенко, О. М. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL AREAS OF EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF OUR TIME. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (2(3), 177-199. Retrieved from


