
  • Liliia Viktorivna Sybir The Private Joint-Stock Company Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


inclusive education, psychoneurological diseases, psychodiagnostics


Formulation of the problem. The introduction of inclusive education for children with special needs in Ukraine is a topical issue, but it is not supported by sufficient substantive medical-psychological studies to assess the benefits and risks.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The benefits of inclusive education are that students with developmental disabilities acquire communication skills with their peers, participate in school and extracurricular life in an educational institution, which contributes to their active life position and better adaptation in society.
Formulating the purpose of the article. The purpose is to investigate the peculiarities of psychoemotional states of children with disabling psychoneurological diseases in the conditions of inclusive education. Presenting main material. Psychodiagnostic study of children with non-psycho-neurological diseases was conducted on the basis of comprehensive schools in Kyiv with an inclusive form of instruction in the following methods: Determination of the level of school anxiety of Phillips; "Non-existent animal", "Cactus", "Three trees"; "Place on the tree". It has been revealed that school education in conditions of inclusion is a stressful factor, a source of anxiety and fears, and reflects the social and adaptive problems of children.
Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Children with disabling psycho-neurological diseases are dominated by fears that do not meet the expectations of others, the situation of knowledge testing, self-expression. They show lack of purposefulness, sociability, desire for entertainment, while they have intrinsic closeness, internal anxiety, avoidance of communication, undervalued self-esteem, greater dependence on others, retardation of mental processes, ambivalence, and at the same time optimism and benevolence. Deprivation of communication in the immediate surroundings is manifested in a depressed, depressed mental state. Low physiological resistance to stress is a risk factor for the emergence of neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, as well as aggravation of the underlying disease.


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How to Cite

Сибір, Л. В. (2021). FEATURES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STATES OF CHILDREN STUDYING IN INCLUSION. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1), 114-137. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/psych-health/article/view/144


