mental health, mental health disorders, psycho-emotional states, good pharmacy practice, pharmacy services, pharmacists’ readiness, continuous professional development.Abstract
Abstract. Problem statement. Data from monitoring studies show that with the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine, there is a sharp deterioration in the mental health of the population. According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state of well-being in which each person can realize his or her own potential and cope with the stresses of life, work productively, fruitfully and contribute to the life of the community. The problem of treatment and prevention of mental health of the population, the development of appropriate mechanisms for providing psychosocial support and assistance from professional subjects is becoming relevant for the state. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The article is devoted to highlighting of the results of an empirical study on the need to broadening of the Roles of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) and Protocols of pharmacists in connection with the ascertainment of the deterioration of the mental health of the population caused by the consequences of the war. Analysis of recent research and publications. The article analyzes and systematizes international documents and studies, which reveal the experience of broadening the Roles of Good Pharmacy Practice in the provision of pharmaceutical assistance in the field of the sale of medicinal products (further – MP) for the prevention and treatment of patients with mental health disorders. The results of a survey among pharmacy pharmacists (n=306), which indicate the existence of a relationship between the increase in the level of stressfulness of the population and an increase in the number of appeals to pharmacies with a request for treatment or stabilization of the psycho-emotional state, are presented. The study revealed that the population’s demand for drugs of the N group, various MP’s of the antidepressant group, has increased significantly, the number of patients with “self-prescription and self-medication” has increased, and cases of conflict situations and aggressive manifestations directly in pharmacy institutions have become more frequent. The need for pharmacists to expand their knowledge and develop competencies in providing psychological help and psycho-emotional support to patients, who demonstrate a psycho-emotional state disorder, was actualized. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The direction of expansion of the Roles of Proper Pharmacy Practice and protocols of pharmacists for providing first aid to patients with stress disorders and insomnia with prescription/non-prescription drugs is considered promising. It is appropriate to study foreign experience and implement the best practices of training pharmacists in terms of mental health care into the system of continuous professional development (CPD) of pharmacists in Ukraine.
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