


combat stress, mental health, emotional resilience, military operations, military personnel


Servicemen are at high risk of developing mental disorders, including combat and military professional stress reactions. The purpose of the article is to theoretically analyse the impact of combat stress on the mental health of military personnel in the context of an ongoing war. It has been established that combat stress reactions include all physiological and mental reactions arising from the impact of life-threatening factors of combat and service environment, direct physical and mental trauma. The main psychotraumatic factors of combat operations are the following events: heavy and prolonged fighting; deaths of fellow soldiers under enemy fire; serious bodily injuries and wounds; suicides and murders. Combat stress disorders are primarily manifested as an inability or refusal to perform one’s duties. Psycho-emotional lability, mood disorders with various cognitive and physical problems are conditions that military personnel are likely to encounter in combat. The author notes the high prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety disorders and other mental disorders among military personnel. It is established that the level of combat stress is directly proportional to the severity of mental consequences. Conclusions. Implementation of effective psychological rehabilitation and assistance programmes for military personnel is a prerequisite for maintaining their mental health. Timely detection and treatment of stress-induced disorders is critical for maintaining the mental health of military personnel and their successful reintegration into civilian life.


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How to Cite

КЛОЧКО, А., & СЕМЕНЕЦЬ-ОРЛОВА, І. (2024). COMBAT STRESS AS A DETERMINANT OF MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS IN WAR CONDITIONS. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(15), 91-95.