system approach, integrity, integrity of a person, polysystemic integrity of the personAbstract
Formulation of the problem. Integrity is determined by the totality of relations of the internal elements of the system and external relations, relations and interactions. The problem of integrity as an essential characteristic of human existence and the place of man in the world arises in different historical epochs in a variety of forms: as a kind of microcosm is considered part of the macrocosm; the similarity with the Divine; integrity as the personification of earthly and heavenly in an individual endowed with free will; the integrity of a person in a rationalistic or naturalistic dimension, the personal aspect and the integrity of the being of the individual. Analysis of recent research and publications. The development of the principle of holistic analysis of the human psyche and its dynamic changes in ontogenesis was embodied in a systems approach in psychology, personified in an integral part of a system-evolutionary approach and serves as one of the bases in the development of a system-subject approach. Formulating the purpose of the article. The goal is to highlight the features of the integrity of the individual as an essential prerequisite for its self-realization from the position of a systematic approach, which contributes to the determination of the essential features of this phenomenon. Presenting main material. Combining the two paradigms – systemic and subject-activity – allows you to put in the center of the conceptual scheme of the psychology of the human subject as the core of mental organization. Integrity is represented as autonomy and conscious functioning on the basis of internal variables (vital values, the desire for self-actualization, “I-concept”). Among these variables, the leading role is played by the system of personal values. According to the psychological maturity of this system is a necessary characteristic of the integrity of the individual. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. From the standpoint of a system-holistic approach, a theoretical analysis should be carried out of the polysystem integrity of the personality and its common components: submodalities, polar categories, bipolar categories. These concepts define mental representations of the integrity of the individual in various spheres of its integral world. As leading factors, it is advisable to single out systemic concepts of isomerism, multidimensionality, and hierarchy. In the perspective of the study – the study of the characteristics of the formation of the polysystem integrity of the individual in ontogenesis from the position of a systematic approach.
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