school adaptation, children, elementary school, first-graders, adaptation, disadaptationAbstract
Formulation of the problem. The problem of adapting a child to school is complex (medical, pedagogical, psychological). Preschool and primary school age are sensitive periods of the social formation of the child's personality as a full- fledged member of society. All future life depends on the child's adaptation at school, therefore it is important to determine the main manifestations of children’s adaptation to school in the first grade. Analysis of recent research and publications. Younger students should, on the one hand, survive the change of daily routine, adapt to the new conditions of communication, and on the other hand, accept and introduce into their lives new specific rules, requirements and subjects related to schooling. In case of violation of successful adaptation to school conditions, the child may experience a state of disadaptation, as a result of a drastic change in environmental conditions for which he may not be ready. Symptoms of maladaptation are: fatigue, irritability, outbursts of anger, isolation, poor performance, aggressiveness or, conversely, excessive shyness, increased anxiety, low self-esteem. Manifestations of maladjustment are: lag from the program; fast fatiguability; indiscipline; inability to build relationships with peers and adults; increased anxiety, tearfulness; a decline in performance at the end of the day; inappropriate behavior; academic failure. Formulating the purpose of the article. The goal is a theoretical and empirical study of the features of school adaptation of first-graders. The presentation of the main material. In the process of empirical research on the characteristics of adaptation to school children of primary school age, an assessment was made of the level of school motivation and adaptation on the N. Luskanova questionnaire, a questionnaire was used to determine the level of adaptation of a child to school (L. N. Kovaleva, N. N. Tarasenko), used methods "Houses" A. A. Orekhov and the School of Beasts methodology. 15 % of the children studied had negative associations associated with school. Conclusions and prospects for further research. Successful adaptation to primary school is a prerequisite for the development of each child as an individual, his individuality, productive activity, and creativity.
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