
  • Ganna ZHEMCHUZHNA Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


interdependence, partnership (marital) relations, psychodiagnostic


Formulation of the problem. Interpersonal interdependence negatively affects all aspects of human life. At the heart of this problem is the lack of differentiation of the “image of me”, because the co-dependent persons do not have clear ideas about their own desires, needs and feelings, therefore the opportunity to adequately express and implement them in a couple is complicated. Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of dependencies is one of the most urgent in modern society. Specialists in the field of dependencies often consider coexistence as a family problem. The analysis of psychological literature on the problem allows us to understand the co-dependence not only as a secondary phenomenon associated with the alcohol and drug addiction of a loved one, but as a violation of the development of personality, which is formed in early childparent relationships. Analysis of scientific literature on the nature and nature of dependence shows a profound theoretical and empirical development of the phenomenon of dependence (addiction) and the presence of well-formed terminology apparatus for its study. The high risk of spreading traditional and new types of addiction actualizes the problem of developing rational stereotypes of psycho-hygienic behavior in real and potential addicts. The greatest urgency remains the problem of studying the dependence of both the negative biopsy and the spiritual phenomenon and the development of methods that can not only restrain growth, but also provide effective counteraction to the onset and further spread of this syndrome. Formulating the purpose of the article. The aim is to study the psychological characteristics of a person in co-dependent relationships in a couple. Presenting main material. The psychological research base was 82 persons (41 couples), the control group under study – 40 (20 couples) – characterized by stable, favorable relationships, adapted couples who have no marital problems and are satisfied with marriage; The main study group – 42 (21 married couples) – who turned to psychological counseling in connection with problems of coexistence, dissatisfaction with marriage – these are the pairs that can be attributed to the late or final stages of dependence. For studying the psycho-emotional states of the studied main and control groups, valid psychodiagnostic techniques were selected: Spielberger-Khanin test questionnaire (diagnosis of anxiety); Questionnaire of Triad of Love by Sternberg; Fischer coexistence test; Raidass self-confidence test; Detection of love affiliation (according to Egorov). In the study, strategies for interpersonal interaction between women and men with co-dependent behavior were identified. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Most of the women and men who participated in our study do not try to conceal their usual fears, anxieties, or their uncertainty. They try to look good in their eyes and in the eyes of their partners, they do not always need to be "right", they lack the trust of a loved one and worry when establishing close, trusting relationships. The results of our research confirm the data of the sources of scientific literature that is characteristic of co-dependent people: negation, fear, anxiety, shame, fault, perfectionism, obsessive thoughts, inability to adhere to the boundary of personality, propensity to manipulation, rigidity. Studies of the problem of coexistence are important for psychologists, so this question requires a more thorough theoretical study.


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How to Cite

ЖЕМЧУЖНА, Г. (2021). PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC STUDY OF THE PROBLEM OF COEXISTENCE IN FAMILY (PARTNER) RELATIONSHIPS. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(2), 103-131. Retrieved from


