pharmaceutical care, Good Pharmacy Practice, pharmaceutical services, prevention, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, patient safetyAbstract
Problem statement. The development of sustainable health care systems involves improving the population's access to quality patient-oriented medical services, safe and effective medicines, in particular for patients with coronary heart disease. At the international level, there is a reorientation of the provision of pharmaceutical services from pharmaceutical provision to patient-oriented pharmaceutical care. The transformation of the provision of pharmaceutical services requires the development and justification of better models of the provision of pharmaceutical care. Objective. The aim of this study is to justify and expand the pharmacist’s role in a comprehensive approach to the prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) with comorbid conditions at secondary and tertiary levels of healthcare, to improve adherence to treatment, reduce the number of unplanned hospitalizations, minimize disability and alleviate the burden on the healthcare system. Materials and methods. The study materials included international and national concepts and strategies, regulatory documents on the subject, clinical guidelines from ESC/AHA, American pharmaceutical care protocols and information from scientific databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and PubMed. The methods used in this research include comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, deduction and induction. Results and discussion. It has been determined that, on a global level, there is a shift in pharmaceutical services from drug provision to pharmaceutical care for patients with CHD and comorbid conditions. The expansion of the roles and functions of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) has occurred through the integration of pharmacists into primary healthcare and their participation in multidisciplinary teams involved in the prevention of CHD at the secondary and tertiary levels of medical care. The need for improved regulatory oversight of pharmaceutical services has been justified. A review and expansion of pharmacist protocols for providing pharmaceutical care to patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), in accordance with medical care protocols and clinical guidelines for “Stable Coronary Heart Disease”, is recommended. Conclusions. The functional expansion of the pharmacist’s role has been substantiated in the context of comprehensive approaches to CHD prevention with comorbid conditions at secondary and tertiary levels of healthcare. The effectiveness of pharmacists in improving treatment adherence among patients has been proven. The impact of pharmacists, as part of multidisciplinary teams, on reducing the number of unplanned hospitalizations, population disability and the burden on the healthcare system has been confirmed.
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