emotional burnout syndrome, professional stress, personality resources, psychoprophylaxisAbstract
Formulation of the problem. Burnout as a result of occupational stress occurs in cases where the adaptive capacity of a person to overcome a stressful situation is exceeded. Despite the fact that emotional burnout syndrome (CMEA) is a relatively stable state, with psychological support and motivation for recovery, it can be dealt with. Analysis of recent research and publications. The development of preventive measures should take into account the peculiarities of professional activity and risk factors specific to it, as well as the psychological qualities of the “burnout” employee. The variety of manifestations of the CMEA and its significance for human health and professional longevity determine the breadth and relevance of the problem of preventive psycho-logical help to employees of “helping professions”. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The goal of our research was to identify the key moments of psycho-prophylactic work with specialists in humanitarian professions with signs of emotional burnout. The presentation of the main material. The sample of the study was 218 patients aged from 34 to 56 years (101 physicians and 117 education workers). It was revealed that the main complaints were the following: general poor health, frequent dizziness, "physical discomfort", difficulty breathing after climbing the stairs, nausea after eating, excessive sweating, trembling of the extremities, fluctuations in blood pressure and pulse rate. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The development of burnout is directly related to the presence of intense emotional activity at work: intense, overflowing with emotions, communication; load on perception; the need for quick processing of the data and responsible decision-making. Also, the organizational factors of the CMEA are: the unfavorable psychological atmosphere (intrigue, undisguised envy towards the “burned out” employee, favoritism, excessively authoritarian leadership) and unsuccessfully compiled working hours.
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