psycho-emotional states, body-oriented therapyAbstract
Formulation of the problem. In the modern scientific space there are a number of authors who are actively studying psycho-emotional states, but there are few works devoted to the study of the effect of body-oriented therapy on psycho- emotional states. Analysis of recent research and publications. Body-oriented therapy is a direction of psychotherapy in which the psychological problems of patients are considered in mutual relation with the peculiarities of the functioning of their body. The main difference in this direction is the lack of opposition between body and mind, focusing on deep bodily sensations and their research, decoding unmet needs of the person hidden in the bodily state, as well as the use of motor activity to diagnose and analyze the essence of the problem, its expressiveness, arbitrariness and spontaneity. Body-oriented therapy is considered particularly effective in dealing with psychosomatic disorders, neuroses, the effects of mental trauma and post-traumatic stress disorders, depressive conditions. Formulating the purpose of the article. The goal is to investigate the influence of body-oriented therapy on the psycho-emotional states of a person. The presentation of the main material. The study was conducted on the basis of the All-Ukrainian Association of Traditions and Culture of China. The study was randomly selected and divided into groups of 93 people, of whom 46 were included in the control group, and 47 - in the experimental group. Persons who are in disharmonious psycho-emotional state, are passive and subjective feeling of poor health. We selected several valid standardized methods for measuring the characteristics and degree of manifestation of these states, namely: Aysenck's “Self-assessment of mental states” test, SAN questionnaire (health, activity, mood), “Is your nerves in order?”, “Your nerves” V. Coleman, Kunin's physiognomic test, Spielberger's scale of reactive and personal anxiety. Statistical processing of the obtained results was carried out according to the following methods: analysis of Spearman rank correlations, Mann-Whitney U-test, and descriptive data analysis.The experiment was carried out in the form of “test- impact-retest”, that is, primary diagnostics, psychocorrectional influence, and secondary diagnostics were carried out. The psychocorrection program includes: breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, exercises of directional tension and muscle relaxation. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The use of bodyoriented therapy in work with anxiety, aggressiveness, rigidity and frustration is effective and can be recommended to reduce the level of negative psycho-emotional states, improve mood, improve well-being, influence the quality of life of a person by changing the subjective perception of reality, shifting the focus in a positive way.
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