Mother–Child dyad, asymmetry with lateral correlation, attachment, functional specialization of the hemispheres, visual cusps, α-rhythm, postpartum stress, developmental pathology, postural asymmetryAbstract
Formulation of the problem. The study of brain asymmetry in the mother- child dyad, within the framework of the theory of attachment, is necessary and relevant, since the first trimester is morpho-forming for the development of the child. The relevance of research. We were interested in whether there is a connection between the asymmetry parameters of brain structures in the Mother– Child dyad, and how these parameters (laterality) are distributed in the child-mother pair. Analysis of recent research and publications. Researchers of Mother–Child attachment models pay great attention to mother’s facial expressions, as one of the main objects that form the baby’s brain-body system. Formulating the purpose of the article. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of asymmetry of the brain structures of mother and child in the formation of pathological or normal attachment. The presentation of the main material. The study examined lateral brain asymmetry indicators of 312 adolescents and their mothers. For the study, we used 4 indicators of the lateral profile: the interlacing of the fingers, the crossing of the arms on the chest (“Napoleon's pose”), aiming (revealing the dominant eye) and applause (finding the active arm). Studies have shown that mother and child have a significant inverse relationship in the visual tubercles. The child unconsciously adjusts its thalamic α- rhythm driver to the maternal α-rhythm, compensatory focusing on maintaining the mother's sensory impulses. In children with visual pathology, contact with the mother occurs through somato-sensory pathways, which also close in the thalamus. Probably, in the first three months, the interaction between the infant and the mother is set up not so much through her eyes and her facial expressions as through the resonant mutual tuning of the child’s brain with the mother’s brain through the α-rhythm. This period can be called the "fourth trimester of pregnancy. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The child unconsciously adjusts its thalamic α-rhythm driver to the maternal α-rhythm, compensatory focusing on maintaining the mother's sensory impulses. It is possible that in the state of a persistent reaction of hyperarousal cortex, the “left hemisphere” mother, trying to disconnect the transmission of “dangerous” information coming from her child, which contradicts her thinking style, causes deficiencies in her development. The mismatch of the functional asymmetry of the brain structures of the mother and child, in the case of a mature mother’s personality, creates a “normal” attachment through anatomical and psychological balance. Thus, the conflict of different styles of thinking of mother and child is laid at a deep level. This may be one of the conditions for ensuring the evolutionary development of man.
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