pregnancy, postabortion syndrome, psychological correctionAbstract
Formulation of the problem. The emotionality of women increases during pregnancy, and when the intensity of emotionality is combined with unfavorable microsocial environment, career problems, deterioration of general well-being, some women are judged to be artificially aborted, and later they have thoughts about possible infertility, miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, etc., which requires appropriate medical and psychological assistance. Analysis of recent research and publications. The psychological post- abortion syndrome that develops after abortion is little mentioned in scientific and popular publications. The syndrome is accompanied by a sense of guilt, loss, depression, anxiety, phobic disorders. Despite the successes of modern gynecology, the issue of psychoprophylaxis of an impaired emotional state in pregnant women has not yet been sufficiently studied. Formulating the purpose of the article. The purpose of the work is to study the features of the psycho-emotional state of women who have applied for abortion, to develop an appropriate program and psycho-correction. The presentation of the main material. The study of the psychoemotional state of pregnant women who sought women's advice on abortion, showed the presence of high rates of situational and personal anxiety. Correction of the psycho- emotional state of a pregnant woman during an unplanned pregnancy is necessary because it can reduce anxiety, prevent affective thinking and decision-making, can help preserve pregnancy and prevent post-abortion syndrome. Conclusions and prospects for further research. Psychological correction is necessary to stabilize the psycho-emotional state of pregnant women, their wise behavior and prevent the development of post-аbortion syndrome. This topic requires further research and raising the level of psychological culture of pregnant women.
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