
  • Anastasiya LEBEDEVA Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
  • Nina KOLIADENKO Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


internal picture of pregnancy


Formulation of the problem. The course of pregnancy and its result largely depend on how the woman perceives the pregnancy itself and itself – its external and internal changes – in this state. The modern woman in the process of fulfilling her social role, family planning and childbearing, is increasingly faced with a variety of social, psychological, and biological problems. At the same time, these problems remain insufficiently developed in the scientific literature, which determines the relevance of our study. Analysis of recent research and publications. The theme of the woman’s internal picture of her pregnancy is very important. The attitude of the mother to the unborn child affects his physical and psychological development, the formation of feelings of affection, love, tenderness, the subsequent life of both him and the mother, their relationship.The many negative factors that a pregnant woman faces can be divided into two main groups: 1) socio-psychological; 2) biological. Formulating the purpose of the article. Purpose of work: to analyze what psychological problems a woman faces “in position”. Tasks: on the basis of the analysis of sources of scientific literature, Internet forums and psychodiagnostic research, to identify the issues that women have “in position”, as well as the features of their internal picture of their pregnancy. The presentation of the main material. Research methods: content analysis of scientific literature, Internet sources, analytical method, psychodiagnostic method (survey, questionnaire). We have developed a special questionnaire, with the help of which 56 women of reproductive age were examined. As a result, more than 80% of them admitted that they felt fear of childbirth, were afraid of the onset of this period. At the same time, 23 (41.1 %) of them had difficulties in the family due to the pregnancy situation. 36 (64.3 %) of the women surveyed did not announce their pregnancy because of fear of what their relatives would say, and not knowing how to present this news to others. Half of the women studied – 28 (50.0 %) – said that there was fear about work, further career development, and also that relations with friends would change. Conclusions and prospects for further research. With a sufficient number of scientific publications, the topic of psychological problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth remains insufficiently studied and is promising for further research in this direction. The internal picture of a woman’s perception of her pregnancy is associated with many myths and fears that generate them, which requires appropriate medical and psychological support and support for a pregnant woman and family environment throughout pregnancy, in the pre- and postpartum period. Consultations with a psychologist on preparation for childbirth, psychological support for pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period will subsequently positively affect the psychological state of the woman, her attitude to the newborn child and further family planning.


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How to Cite

ЛЕБЕДЕВА, А., & КОЛЯДЕНКО, Н. (2021). THE INTERNAL PICTURE OF A WOMAN’S PERCEPTION OF HER PREGNANCY. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(4), 122-143. Retrieved from


