
  • Serhii MAKSYMENKO G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


vital energy, attribute, personality, genetic modeling method, development


Formulation of the problem. Modern science does not have a method that would be adequate for the scientific study of personality psychology as a unique, unique and holistic system. We believe that the genetic modeling method reflects the essential ideas that need to be implemented in the study of personality as a whole that develops itself through the action of the biosocial basis – the vital energy that materialized in this personality. Analysis of recent research and publications. The complex contradictory interaction of biological and social makes sense to consider in two planes – as factors that affect the individual, and as factors that form the personality and ensure its existence and development "from within". Biological and social factors do not exist as separate, each of them represents a different being of the other. The principle of unity of biological and social reveals the real essential nature of the origins of personal activity. Formulating the purpose of the article. The aim is to analyze the concept of "personality" and an adequate method of its research – genetic modeling, to describe the attributive characteristics of human life energy. Presenting main material. The first principle of the genetic modeling method is the principle of unit analysis, the second principle is the unity of biological and social, the third principle is creativity, the fourth principle is reflexive relativism, and the fifth principle is the unity of experimental and genetic lines of development. The first attributive semantic feature of vital energy (needs) is its heterogeneity: biological and social here from the beginning form a contradictory, but absolutely inseparable unity. The second attributive semantic characteristic of vital energy (needs) is the ability to develop (selfdevelopment). This characteristic is closely related to the informational aspect of life energy. The third attributive feature of vital energy (needs) is that its development is directed and represents orthogenesis. The fourth attributive semantic characteristic of vital energy (needs) is its ability to generate. The meeting of two branches of life energy, embodied in living beings of different sexes, generates qualitatively informational and energetically new life energy, which continues in the existence of a new living being. This act is the only holistic "objectification" of vital energy in living nature. If we talk about man, we encounter an "another" reality: human life energy can create a new person and a qualitatively new product (creativity). The fifth attributive characteristic of life energy (need) is that it exists only in the form of the embodiment of the living being born of it. A living being exists both as a structure and as vital energy embodied in it. At the same time, we cannot know the energy of life in any other way than the study of a living being as its manifestation. The sixth attributive characteristic of vital energy (needs) is its affiliative nature. The true form of life energy is love, which opposes cosmic entropy and determines the movement of all living beings (not just humans) to each other. And the result of this movement will be the birth of a new person. The seventh attributive characteristic of vital energy (needs) is the infinity of its existence. Completed final) will be the existence of the organism, the individual as a carrier of vital energy. But thanks to meeting and love, life energy continues to exist and becomes infinite in time. It seems to us that the analysis of this attributive property will allow, among other things, to discover new aspects of the meaning of time in life. Conclusions and prospects for further research. In accordance with the original theoretical paradigm created by us, the basis of personality development is the action of life energy as a genetically original unit of human development and existence. As an information and energy flow, life energy specifically connects the biological and social determinants of human existence and is the initial driving force of self- development of the individual as a separate human being. The contradictory dialectical unity of the biological and the social, the conscious and the unconscious, carried out in the individual, gives rise to the most important attributive characteristics of the latter. The constant energy tension of vital energy creates real conditions for the formation of reciprocal mechanisms by the individual, which, based on powerful social influences, are transformed in ontogenesis into biological (morphological) and mental structures.


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How to Cite

МАКСИМЕНКО, С. (2021). INFORMATION AND ENERGY NEEDS AS A PROPERTY OF PERSONALITY: SOURCES AND DRIVING FORCES OF DEVELOPMENT. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(4), 144-172. Retrieved from


