
  • Oksana FILATOVA Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


communicative competence, medical psychologist, psychotherapy, psychocorrection, affiliation, emotional burnout


Formulation of the problem. The communicative competence of a medical psychologist is one of the components of his professional activity, which provides the opportunity to create optimal therapeutic relationships in the dyad “consultant – patient” and determines a high level of psychotherapeutic and psycho-correctional work. Analysis of recent research and publications. According to the data of domestic and foreign authors, an important condition for the success of the communicative interaction between the consultant and the patient is the specialist’s operation of a whole range of both special medical and psychological knowledge, as well as knowledge of the rules for organizing communication, methods of translation and adequate interpretation of the information that is provided, about the features of language patient behavior, about potential communicative obstacles, about the means of creating a favorable psycho-emotional th atmosphere. Formulating the purpose of the article. The development of communicative competence should begin with the first steps of a student-medical psychologist on the path to mastering the profession. The presentation of the main material. The sample of the study was 214 medical psychologists aged 28 to 42 years who complained that during clinical interviews and during working sessions, patients pour out all the accumulated negativity, aggression, irritation on them. The catharsis experienced by the patient turns for psychologists to cognitive overload, emotional exhaustion, a subconscious desire to isolate themselves from the avalanche of alien unreacted material. Complaints were: psycho-emotional stress, which is accompanied by anxiety, is dynamic in nature, with fluctuations in the depth of experience depending on the general tone and external circumstances; dissatisfaction with oneself, a chosen profession; poor communicative competence, insufficient development of professional intuition. The surveyed noted a strict internalization of responsibilities, the rigidity of the role repertoire, the inability to regulate the circumstances of the activity, and an increased sense of responsibility. Conclusions and prospects for further research. In order to increase the level of communicative competence, personality-oriented techniques are used to develop social perception, deepen empathy, and develop the ability to withstand stressful situations using adaptive coping strategies.


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How to Cite

ФІЛАТОВА, О. (2021). FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF A MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGIST. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(4), 194-214. Retrieved from


