children, motor skills, kinesitherapy, autism, sensory integrationAbstract
Formulation of the problem. According to statistics, the number of children with autism is increasing every year worldwide, with a third of autistic children having movement disorders. Motor problems are as common as cognitive impairment. Therefore, exercise is necessary in a comprehensive training program for a child with autism. Physical education can be a support and guide in society for many children, a catalyst in the correct construction of the correctional and developmental process for a child with autism. Analysis of recent research and publications. Children with autism have become an integral part of modern society. The incidence of autism in Kyiv has increased 4.5 times over the past eight years. Despite the large number of studies and publications, the problem of early childhood autism is relevant in the field of practical medicine, psychology, correctional pedagogy. Children with autism not only differ in their behavior, thinking, perception of the world. They also often have movement disorders such as clumsiness, abnormal gait, coordination, hypotonia or muscle hypertonia. In children, motor disorders limit opportunities for development and knowledge of the world. This leads to isolation, limits social interaction. Therefore, physical education can be a support and guide in society for many children, a catalyst in the proper construction of the correctional and developmental process for a child with autism. Formulating the purpose of the article. The purpose of the study is to study the motor characteristics of children with autism and to develop an author's effective method of forming motor skills in them. The presentation of the main material. The method of complex game kinesitherapy, developed by us under the guidance of Professor A. P. Chuprikov, is aimed at correcting the psychological characteristics and sensory characteristics of children with autism and disorders in the development of psyche and behavior. With this method, it is possible to influence the ontogenesis of the psyche at the earliest stage, when the child can not yet enter into verbal contact. The complexity of the method is to involve various methods of influencing the senses and musculoskeletal system (finger massage, elements of craniosacral therapy, elements of yoga, dynamic gymnastics on fitness balls, sensory games). An important component of game kinesitherapy is ball training. For parents, this is also a good therapy, because they are happy to watch the lesson, learn new techniques in playing with the child, so that the child becomes happier, reveals more. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The method of game kinesitherapy with the use of a fitness ball can be recommended for the formation of psychomotor and intellectual activity of the child and the formation of the most important motor skills that form the basis of not only play, but also learning and work. This universal method of rehabilitation of a child with autism can be used alone or in combination with other medical and psychological and pedagogical methods of correction.
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