communicative competence, value orientations, future psychologists, empathy, professional training, social interaction, emotional intelligence, psychological maturity, diagnostic methods, research methodologyAbstract
Communicative competence of future psychologists is a multi-level system of knowledge, skills and personal qualities that ensures the success of social interaction. Its formation is closely related to value orientations that influence motivation, attitude to the profession and the choice of communicative strategies. Humanistic values contribute to the development of empathy, the ability to create a favorable atmosphere and effectively resolve conflicts. Empathy, as a key professional competence, indicates psychological maturity and readiness for professional activity, which makes it an important aspect of training specialists in psychology. To fulfill the tasks set and achieve the specified goal, general scientific methods of the theoretical level were applied, in particular: analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific and theoretical data. The following methods were used to diagnose the communicative competence of psychology students and future teachers with different levels of self-esteem: the questionnaire “Emotional Response Scale” by A. Mehrabian and N. Epstein; the method for diagnosing the level of empathic abilities by V. V. Boyko; the method “Assessment of the level of propensity to communicate” (V. F. Ryakhovsky); the method “Value orientations” by M. Rokych. To process the obtained data, the Pearson χ² criterion was used as a method of mathematical statistics. The obtained results emphasize the importance of developing empathic abilities as a key professional competence of psychology students for increasing the effectiveness of their interaction in the social environment.
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