



management, territorial community, safety, emergency, crisis, crisis management


The purpose of the notes is to research methodological approaches to managing the security of the territorial community in crisis conditions in order to introduce the best world practices into domestic management activities. To achieve the goal, it is proposed to use the crisis management methodology to optimize the process of decision making management at the territorial community level in order to normalize the life of its residents. Methodology. During the research, the authors applied the methods of system analysis, synthesis, systematization, statistical analysis, comparison and generalization in order to identify the challenges facing the territorial community in the conditions of an emergency or crisis. The application of methods of structural-logical and system-functional analysis made it possible to distinguish the essence of the concept of territorial community security in crisis conditions. The crisis management toolkit was used to prioritize the tasks of ensuring the protection of residents of the territorial community. The program-target method was used to justify promising directions for solving problematic issues of ensuring the livelihood of the territorial community in the conditions of an emergency or crisis. The scientific novelty consists in determining the implementation of the crisis management toolkit to solve the tasks of ensuring the livelihood of the territorial community in the conditions of an emergency or crisis. The practical significance of the article lies in the possible use of proposals by local self-government bodies when planning measures to respond to an emergency or crisis at the local level in order to ensure the stable functioning of authorities and meet the needs of community residents in emergency or crisis conditions. Conclusions. On the basis of the analysis of the practical activities of the local self-government bodies of the territorial community, problematic issues regarding the provision of life activities of the community were identified and practical measures for their adequate solution were proposed.


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How to Cite

Терентʼєва, А. В. (2022). TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN CRISIS. Public Management, (5 (33), 89-94. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2022-5(33)-12


