The challenges of the domestic food market in Ukraine are considered. Its relationship with the issues of food security has been determined. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of proportions of demand and supply of food products on the domestic market of Ukraine are analyzed. In particular, the characteristics of a set of food products and the level of satisfaction of regulatory requirements for the main types of food products are presented, the balance of food resources of Ukraine is considered. The tendencies of export-import relations are considered. At the current stage of economic development, a successful solution to the food problem becomes of the utmost importance. The solution of the problem of lagging food production from the needs of the population, the formation of export potential and food security, necessitates the improvement of the structure of agroindustrial production. The article presents the results of the study of the state of the economic situation and the analysis of the dynamics of the food market in Ukraine. The ratio between consumption and production is the starting point for the formation of parameters and proportions between the branches of the agro-industrial complex and characterizes the level of food security of the country. Qualitative indicators of food supply of the country are a characteristic of a set of food products and the level of satisfaction of regulatory requirements for the main types of products. The link between production and consumption is a market that affects the proportionality of the structure of production and the structure of consumer needs. The production structure should be determined on the basis of the priority of food security of the state. The priority of the socio-economic goal should be the benchmark for structural changes in the agrarian and food policies of the state. The goal of the state’s socio-economic policy should be to prioritize food availability, and for state policy purposes, to achieve average food consumption at the level of developed countries or at the level of recommended medical standards. The purpose of the food policy of the state is to optimally meet the needs of the population in food products.
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