


cyberattack, online domain, information warfare, media manipulation, disinformation, propaganda


The given article studies information warfare in the online domain as one of the aspects of contemporary life. Information warfare, which has been carried out by the hostile russian federation for a long time not only in the information space of Ukraine, but other countries all over the world, got a full swing with the full-scale invasion. Studying this problem from a new perspective is crucial, which defines the novelty of the given work The aim of the article is to analyse the ways of using information as a weapon to achieve diverse objectives, including political, economic and social. It emphases that the primary goal of information warfare is not the physical destruction of individuals, but the dismantling of their social cohesion. Metodology. Having analysed numerous media sources, there have been revealed the main approaches to conducting information warfare in the online domain, such as the creation and dissemination of disinformation, the use of social media, cyberattacks, and propaganda. The article emphasizes the significance of critical thinking and fact-checking in combating misinformation. It also describes the use of information as the information warfare weapon, focusing on troll factories, bots, social media, and cyberattacks, and how they can be used to manipulate public opinion, encourage social movements, and influence political, social and cultural relations in the society. The article considers the impact of cyber espionage and hacker attacks on various targets, particularly governmental institutions, corporate networks, and personal computers of ordinary users. In the context russian-Ukrainian war hacker attacks and cyber espionage have become pivotal tools of warfare. Russian malicious actors actively employ these methods to target Ukrainian information systems to steal or destroy confidential information. The main aim of information warfare predominantly is to disrupt the exchange of reliable information and induce panic among the Ukrainians. Russian propaganda actively disseminates manipulative news and employs hyperboles to show Ukrainian military personnel and displaced persons in a negative light. Conclusions. The article focuses on necessity to develop and improve efficient strategies for dealing with cyberattacks, such as the use of robust software, regular system updates, data backup and raise of public awareness about information security and hygiene. The authors of the article call for a balanced approach to ensuring national security and preserving fundamental human rights, as well as creating effective ways to resist various cyber threats.


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How to Cite

ПЕТРЕНКО, С., & НАЗАРЕНКО, Н. (2024). PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF INFORMATION WARFARE IN ONLINE DOMAIN. Information Technology and Society, (1 (12), 83-87.