
  • Iryna BASOVA



international standards, health care, Lisbon Declaration on the Rights of Patients, Declaration on the Human Rights and Personal Freedom of Healthcare Professionals, On State Financial Guarantees for Public Health


The article is devoted to the study of international human rights standards in the field of health care and finding ways to improve national legislation. The purpose of this article is to define and study international legal acts in the field of health care, the system of legislation of Ukraine on health care, as well as make suggestions for its improvement. The methodological basis of this article was, first of all, the comparative law method and methods of analysis and synthesis. Scientific novelty. The current legislation in the field of health care does not contain a definition The current legislation in the field of health care does not contain a definition of «international human rights standards in the field of health care», so at the legislative level they should be defined as «basic principles of health care that serve as guidelines for public policy and ensure the realization of citizens' rights in this area". At present, there is no single legal act on the implementation of medical activities, which creates additional difficulties in exercising the rights of all subjects of medical relations. Therefore, there is a need to develop a single set of rules in the field of medical activities, namely the Medical Code of Ukraine. In conclusion, an analysis of the international legal framework for human rights in the field of health shows that its provisions enshrine fundamental human rights in this area. Ukrainian legislation is generally based on the norms of international legal acts. At the same time, it should be recognized that there are a number of problematic issues that need to be improved.


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How to Cite

БАСОВА, І. (2022). INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS STANDARDS IN HEALTHCARE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1 (60), 5-10.