right to work, employment contract, undeclared work, social guarantees, legal awareness, labor freedomAbstract
The aim of the study is to establish the relationship between the right to work and the level of legal awareness of citizens who devalue the role of legal knowledge of social guarantees guaranteed by the state as subjects of labor relations, when deciding on the realization of their skills and abilities. It is worth realizing that the Constitution of Ukraine enshrines fundamental rights that allow a person to realize himself in all spheres of public life, showing the freedom guaranteed by the Basic Law in choosing the occupation or application of their knowledge. Manifestation of freedom allows not only to develop their individual abilities, but also to use a range of social guarantees provided by the state in the exercise of constitutional rights in a lawful manner. An important factor in ensuring state’s social support is the proper level of consciousness of the subject of constitutional rights, which is key not only to form of its own socio-economic stability, but also to enable the state to guarantee the proper level of protection of constitutional rights and freedoms. The validity and reliability of the obtained scientific results were ensured by applying a system of general scientific and special scientific research methods. The scientific novelty is the establishment of the relationship between a high level of legal awareness of members of society with the acquisition of the right to social guarantees guaranteed by the state, including during martial law. The conclusions of the study are to prove the existence of the problem of the crisis of their own legal awareness of persons during the realization the right to work, who in the process of social thinking are unable to predict the consequences of neglect or abuse of rights.
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