criminology, non-governmental organizations, crime prevention, law enforcement agencies, criminological activity, criminological monitoring, crime preventionAbstract
The article examines the issue of the number and content of the stages of criminological monitoring by nongovernmental organizations. It is noted that criminological monitoring is an effective tool that helps influence the dynamics of the spread of criminal offenses. One of the tasks of modern criminological science is the search for effective measures capable of stopping the excessive criminalization of society that has been observed recently. Criminologists constantly pay attention to the priority of precisely preventing the commission of crimes by preventing them. The study of the system of crime prevention subjects cannot be complete without determining the role of public institutions in such activities. The need for public participation in crime prevention has already become a kind of axiom. Therefore, it is really difficult to overestimate this participation. In addition, the indicator of the effectiveness of crime prevention is, on the one hand, the slowing down of the growth rate of the number of crimes, the stabilization or reduction of the level of crime, and on the other hand, a significant increase in the social and preventive activity of the population. World experience in the field of combating crime proves that this activity cannot be carried out without the participation of the public. Ukraine is not an exception in this matter, therefore, at the legislative level, it has established the possibility of involving the public in the prevention of certain criminal manifestations. It is proposed to consider under criminological monitoring a scientifically based system of continuous observations, measurements, research and control, the content of which is planned actions of collection, analysis, generalization, comparison with expected results or initial assumptions, assessment of criminologically significant phenomena, processes and states of objects in different periods of time aimed at improving the effectiveness of combating crime. The expediency of differentiating criminological monitoring carried out by non-governmental organizations into four interrelated stages is emphasized: preparatory (definition of goals and objectives, selection of qualified specialists, determination of implementation periods, etc.); the stage of collecting criminological information; analysis and generalization of the received information, evaluation stage.
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