Military Law and Order Service, reform of the law and order system in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, changes in the field of legal regulation of the activities of the Military Law and Order Service, changes in the sphere of competence of the Military Law and Order Service, new forms and methods of prevention of administrative and criminal offenses in the Armed Forces of UkraineAbstract
The scientific article established that the issue of discipline and law and order in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not yet at the proper level. The reasons for this state of affairs are, first of all, the military aggression of the Russian Federation, quite frequent changes in the personnel of military units, as well as the lack of a clear system of training military personnel to detect and prevent crimes. Accordingly, the factor of military aggression of the Russian Federation and frequent personnel changes cannot be eliminated, but the issue of intensifying the activities of the Military Law and Order Service has been on the agenda for several years. Unfortunately, today the Military Service of Law and Order, which was formed in 2002, does not have sufficient levers of influence on the situation with discipline, as well as administrative and criminal offenses. The reasons are that the Military Law and Order Service was created at a time when the Armed Forces of Ukraine had a fairly clear system of military justice, that is, there was a military prosecutor's office and a system of military courts. However, in 2012, the specified system was destroyed in connection with the adoption of the new Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. At the same time, the administration of the President of Ukraine Yanukovych at that time cited the reason for the destruction of the military justice system as the reason for the large reduction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the absence of a large number of criminal offenses. The creation of the Military Law and Order Service in 2002 was primarily aimed at identifying and stopping administrative and disciplinary offenses, as well as violations of the Traffic Rules by military drivers. The powers of the Military Law and Order Service did not include the issue of operational investigative activities and the identification of persons committing crimes, as these issues were fixed mainly by the military justice system. The article substantiates that today the number of both administrative and criminal offenses has increased in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, therefore one of the main factors in the detection, prevention and termination of criminal and administrative offenses should be the Military Law and Order Service. In addition, various social psychological and other conditions are analyzed, which lead to the commission of administrative and criminal offenses by military personnel. It was concluded that today, first of all, it is necessary to change the status of the Military Law and Order Service and give it the powers of the military police, as is done in many countries, for example, in the United States of America, Spain, Turkey and others. The country concluded that military servicemen of the Military Law and Order Service need to use new forms and methods for combating administrative and criminal offenses in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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